What documentation do I need to provide for my Health Wallet reimbursements?

Funds in your Health Wallet can be used to reimburse you for your health insurance premiums (including Medicare) and other qualified medical expenses.


Important things to know about reimbursement requests:

  • Cannot include a monthly premium and medical expense on one request.
    • For example, the request cannot have your Medicare premium of $174.90 and your prescription pickup of $10 for a total request of $184.90. These need to be separate requests.
  • Cannot be submitted as one request across multiple dates of service.
    • An exception to this is a monthly pharmacy prescription sheet or a list of doctor's visits expenses provided by their office.
  • The amount for the request must match the amount shown on the documentation provided.

To receive reimbursement for prepaid health insurance premiums (including Medicare), please provide us with documentation which lists the name of all covered individuals, the name of the plan, and the total monthly premium. Additionally, please provide us with proof of payment such as a confirmation email, a bank statement, or a credit card receipt. 

To receive reimbursement for qualified medical expenses such as prescriptions, co-pays, doctor's bills, medical devices, and more:

  • Your documentation must clearly show the date of service or purchase, who the service was rendered to, the specific services rendered, and the amount paid. 
    • So, if you have the receipt from paying a co-pay, it must be itemized to display all of the information listed above. If the receipt is not itemized, it will be important to also provide an explanation of benefits in addition to the proof of payment.

In some cases, a letter from a medical professional may also be required to verify that the expense was medically necessary. 

Step by step instructions on how to submit documents for your Health Wallet can be found here.

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