Registering your Venteur account

Welcome to Venteur! Please follow these steps below for your first time in logging in with your new account.

Note: If you encounter any issues when trying to login, please contact our support team ( In your message, please reference this Help article and let us know at which step your issue occurred.  

  1. Go to and press on 'Sign up'

  2. Enter your email address and press continue.


  3. Create your password and press continue.

  4. After pressing continue, you will need to verify your First Name, Last Name, Date of Birth, and last 4 digits of your SSN.


  5. You should then have to enter and verify your phone number by entering a code received via SMS or Voice Call.


  6. You should then be directed to your dashboard after verifying your address. The email used to create your account will be the email address you should use for future logins.

    • If you see a message to link your existing account, please follow below to step 8.
    • If you receive a page asking to verify your identity, please continue to step 10.

  7. If you receive a message stating 'Link your existing account', an email will be sent to the primary email address on file with us to confirm you want to be able to login using this alternate email.



  8. After logging in with your original email, you will be directed to a screen where you can approve or reject the additional log in method. This will allow you to login using any listed email address to access your account.

    If you are unable to approve or login to your original email address, you can reach out to our support team at for assistance.



  9. If you receive a screen asking to verify your identify, you will need to enter your Employer Name, Start Date, and upload a government ID such a Drivers License or Passport photo page.


  10. Once you press on continue, a ticket is created for you for our support team to handle. It should be handled in 2-3 business days.

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